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My Body Ecology Journey

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The 10 hours of sleep got me (Read Time: 3 min.)

BED Day 2 hit and I slept 10.5 hours that night.  I woke up with one thought:
"I'm building a business, working full time, and I have ALOT to do!  Sleeping 10.5 hours is not something I can afford." 

And I fell off the bandwagon... and had coffee and cookies... and two days later, I feel like crap.  Welcome to the vicious cycle.  But now I'm choosing to get back on it... like RIGHT NOW... like I'm not going to call today a lost day.  I'm simply going to recommit and begin again. 

I'm opening up Donna's book and here are 2 of the passages I came across:

"Women have a particularly difficult time with sugar cravings just before their monthly cleansing.  Most unknowingly allow their bodies to become too contracted by eating too many contracting foods (salt and animal protein) or from too much stress just before this monthly event.  They crave sugars as their bodies attempt to "open" or relax enough to shed the lining of the uterus.  Furthermore, production of the hormone progesterone increases (as it should), causing an increase in the blood sugar.  The yeast feed off this increased sugar, multiply, and demand more sugar rich foods..."

And my monthly cycle is due any moment now... This explains A LOT!

2nd Passage from Donna:
"Can you trust your intuition about what your body needs to eat?  If you drank breast milk as your first food; then graduated to vegetables, fruits, and grains; properly combined your foods; and ate lots of cultured foods, the answer would be yes.  But with a body-ecology imbalance, you can never trust your intuition to tell you what your body needs.  Billions of yeast and other unwelcome visitors living inside you are sending messages about what they want to eat (always a form of sugar).  They do not care in the least about the needs of the body they live in."  

Needless to say, if you're thinking about doing Body Ecology, buy Donna's book.  I've read it many times but every time I open it, I find reminders of why I need to be on this journey.

A few things I'm figuring out:
1) Preparation of foods IN ADVANCE is key!
2) Staying hydrated is also key!
3) Not eating too much salt is key to not craving sugar!

So here it is, Day 1 AGAIN... Okay, I'll report back in 2 or 3 days...

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